Thomas Alden's Family Diner: Chapter 2
8 months ago

Game Around 10% Completed!



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Houston, We Have A Problem.

Thomas Alden's Family Diner has gotten a new update! This update added an easier night 5, an extras menu when you win, and an instructions menu.

Menu is Completed On TAFD ARCADE!

Thomas Alden's Family Diner has gotten a new update! This update added an easier night 5, an extras menu when you win, and an instructions menu.

Who Could This Be?

It's Finally Here! Thomas Alden's 2 Is Here!

Thomas Alden's Family Diner has gotten a new update! This update added an easier night 5, an extras menu when you win, and an instructions menu.

What is he downloading?

Thomas Alden's Family Diner has gotten a new update! This update added an easier night 5, an extras menu when you win, and an instructions menu.