Five Nights at Sonic's: MARIO'S PIZZA WORLD (Unofficial)
5 months ago

Game died? No. Not really.

My laptop? Yes, it did.

I lost the most recent build when that happened, but doesn't mean I'm giving up.

From courtesy of me, Survival Mode's revamped menu.



Next up

December 21st, 2024.

Today marks the day that Mario's Pizza World.. was born.

who the fuck invited blud

A personal shoutout to @SwapThan for being the second victor of Next Generation Regenerated's Act 1's Night 6!

me when fnas fans can't brighten up an image

also probably a good time to reveal that i'm something of a liar myself

the game isn't cancelled

the leaked build got taken down so LMAO I WIN

i think that was pretty low tier tbh

My, oh my.

10 years, eh? How incredible! It's crazy to think I was once here since the very first game released back in 2015.. Man, where does the time GO?

Well, might as well just do another QnA. What's your questions?

First Devlog, I guess? + Discussing Design Choices (22/07/2024)

Cameras are looking good.

dev team of all time, chat