Five Nights at Fredbears REMASTERED
6 years ago

Game engine!

I will be using click team fusion as it seems like the easiest way to start my game



Next up

So The benefit of having over thousands of dollars worth of dinosaur models is that Adding them to the game takes barley any effort as all the work was already done. Animatronic Ceratosaurus is happy to become the 2nd phase boss fight for umbra XD

Menu done cameras and stuff next

Here is the teaser for the space map. This shit is gonna be amazing

Here is some of stuff I have been working on for my halo mod. Considering uploading the mods files to gamejolt, cause nexus is kind of shit with their policies of owning every mod

Animatronic Megalodons make complete realistic sense and are an actual thing

The official springbonnie model was datamined from help wanteds old build. So happy we finally after 9 years get an official springbonnie model

Halo 3 Desolate December Intro Cutscene This will make alot more sense once I actually implement this into the game with bink video and it cuts to the mission and your in a falcon.

Five Nights at Fredbear's 3 Shadow Freddy Cutscene Shadow Freddy is defeated out of the ceratosaurus and he tells the reason for his aggression.

So expect to see some of my halo maps be ported to future Fredbear's games as maps. Of course they will be edited to fit the setting. but Reusing resources goes a long way to save development time.

I can confirm The nightbonnie and night bear are returning to Fredbear's 3 They will be some of the hardest animatronics, As they are dismantled.