The Evil Horror: Deltarune(Collection Games)

2 years ago

Game icon 1.6. и REMASTERED

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RUS: Немного прокачал иконку игры, в более нормальную версию для REMASTERED. Так же, про выход DEMO версии сказать ничего пока не могу. Приблизительно готово на 80-85%. Ждите новостей.

ENG: I pumped the game icon a little, into a more normal version for REMASTERED. Also, I can't say anything about the release of the DEMO version yet. Approximately 80-85% ready. Wait for the news.



Next up

In order not to be bored, there will be radio stations in the 3rd episode (Sneak Peek of the 3rd episode)

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Viewing the location of the 1st episode "The Evil Horror: The Catalyst"

"Делаем кавер песни" / "Making a cover of the song"

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Happy New Year!

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ENG: Final Stage...

RUS: Финальный "Акт"

News about the 3rd episode

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Screenshots of the gameplay of the 3rd episode:

Важная новость по поводу игры!

Important news about the game!

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Small hitches with the second episode!

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Art and fan art competition for Episode 3!

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