The Evil Horror: Deltarune(Collection Games)

1 year ago

The announcement of the big game!

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RUS: Анонс игры по "The Evil Horror: Deltarune" и приквела "The Evil Horror: Undertale". На данный момент разрабатывается первый эпизод и в планах выпускать игру по эпизодам. Ждите новостей!

ENG: The announcement of the game on "The Evil Horror: Deltarune" and the prequel "The Evil Horror: Undertale". At the moment, the first episode is being developed and there are plans to release the game in episodes. Wait for news!



Next up

Updated graphics in 1.2.0!

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Viewing the location of the 1st episode "The Evil Horror: The Catalyst"

The Evil Horror: The Catalyst, 4 Episode: Prototype Gameplay Thanks @kinoplenka for HUD "Pluse"

Episode 3 is starting to be developed, and so is a look at the main office)

P.s. The Evil Horror: The Catalyst vs. The Evil Horror: Deltarune (Chapter 2)

"We weren't expecting it, but it's coming back"

Teaser, 4 Episode_1

Small hitches with the second episode!

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First preview

Art and fan art competition for Episode 3!

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The Catalyst @DiasSir & The Catalyst @Anikeev