Timer at Baldi's 2nd Grade Remastered (unofficial)

2 days ago

Game images are now available (in the overview)

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All that's missing is putting things on the map so that it doesn't look empty.

The AI ​​is almost finished, just need to finish coding one character and after programming it I will code the last character, and after that I will start doing the rest of the game.

The page is now available

follow it:

We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!

So fast, right? Well, I finished all the camera renders, which means I'll start working on the gameplay and AI.

You never know what's hiding within the dark in Spike's Ahoy!

(Render by @PhantronGames )

the patch 1.0.4 release tomorrow

the office

The Unwanted Guests gamepage is officially out now!

Check it out here:

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