One Night at Greys 1:REINCARNATED
8 months ago

Game Releases 12am November 20th Australian Western Standard Time!

One Night at Greys 1:Reincarnated TUTORIAL
The game releases on the 20th of November, 12am Australian Western Standard Time! Here is a short tutorial to help you understand the game's mechanics. Good ...



Next up

Sorry I haven't posted in a little bit! I took a small break from the game and now I'm back! Here's Greeny's model.

The final model for ONAG1:R, Aidan, is complete!

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!

Why does it feel like such an honour that @italoitalo1 's 10,000th followed game is mine?

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!


Once again some ms paint work

Likely the lore for a security breach update that randomly releases on Easter out of nowhere

ONAG1:R W.I.P menu (left)

FTAG1 Menu (middle)

ONAG1 menu (right)


Oh how I've evolved

The ONAG1:R menu has the dot play button as a reference to ONAG1

"The Synthesis"

How many blocks?


An article where I am absolutely befuddled by my game's block count.