Jennifer Wilde
7 years ago


Hello! This update is written through drooping eyelids as we fight against jetlag after a brilliant visit to GDC!


John and Stephen flew over to San Francisco last week, a travel time of around 15 hours from Belfast. If any of you know how tall John is, you’ll realise the sacrifice he made, with legs cramped in the plane, just to show the world Jennifer Wilde.


We had a booth at GDC Play, as part of Northern Ireland Screen’s trade mission, where we were able to show Jennifer Wilde to game developers, publishers and journalists from around the world (as well as preview a new project for next year - a developer always needs to plan ahead)!

The feedback was fantastic, with everyone commenting on how awesome our art looked on the stand, and everyone really enjoying the demo.


San Francisco is an interesting and expensive place to stay, and we ended up in what seemed like an old haunted hotel. Unfortunately there were no ghost sighting, but it certainly inspired a spooky feel for some Jennifer Wilde scenes.


The con was tough work, but we did get a little time to relax in the evenings. Now for some shut-eye and a few days to recover before we’re back with Jennifer and Oscar!

Kickstarter shoutouts

We’ve personally backed 3 Kickstarters this month, all comicbooks, and thought I would write up a few shoutouts!

Michael Gordon is a local comic writer and returns to Kickstarter with Transdimensional #3 - We’ve backed all of Michael’s sci-fi horror comics, and haven’t been let down yet. It’s in its last few days and there’s a chance to catch up on the previous issues too. LINK

Only 7 hours left to back Irish artist Robert Carey’s North Bend. They’re only £100 off their goal, and you can pick up both issues of the series. Robert’s a great artist, so have a look at the previews over on their campaign page.

Amrit Birdi is another artist friend of the studio, and his graphic novel Borough of Churches has already hit it’s Kickstarter target. There are some really cool stretch goals including physical art cards, so have a look at Amrit’s dynamic art! LINK

Next Time…

We’ve been holding off (don’t want too many spoilers!) but next update we’re ready to share some new art…


Stephen & the team at Outsider Games!



Next up

Let There Be Light! A new look for Jennifer Wilde: Unlikely Revolutionaries.

Final Week of Jennifer Wilde's Kickstarter - Last chance for exclusive rewards!

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

Just a Pico sprite

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.



Ibuki Mioda!

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe