2 years ago

Gen 3 Freddy WIP

Got recently tired of the "realistic" ahestetic for a while, so i decided to re-model the gang from FNAF1, as they are made with lower budget (in-universe), which means i can make them look more robotic.

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/252454922 - i used MrMystery's models for reference, Follow him!



Next up

#WIPwednesday idk dude just have this sourgar redesign head that im gonna use for fnas 2's lithered sourgar and MAYBE for fnas 1 remastered

lovin the new fnati game, better than AE

also i find it interesting that not only the presentation is of a lost fnati game, but that the game itself is also part of the possible lore unless if im missing something

The true and honest Five Nights at Sonic's 2 (ALPHA)

Door. (STUFF IS STILL A W.I.P!!! Also, please follow my game. I am trying to get at least 500-1,000 followers.)

my new character

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

i swear im not dead im just busy with life things anyway have more true and honest fnas 2 things

fnati x jolly vectors that i made a very long time ago but never posted on here