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GEOMADNESS V2 IS OUT!!! That means it is completed
YA SALIÓ LA V2!!! Eso significa que ya se completó el juego
Guys, I finally have completed the game. I did the final bug fixes, retextures and a new world (maby I'll do more)
Chicos, ya acabé el juego al fin. Arreglé los bugs, cambié las texturas e añadí un nuevo mundo (igual haré aun más)
Some people told me that GEOMADNESS is the "2D Dark Souls", is it really that difficult? //
Tengo escuchado que GEOMADNESS es el "Dark Souls en 2D", en serio es tan dificil?
Happy #WIPWednesday!
Are you working on a game?
Making some art?
Practicing a song?
Something else?
Tell us in the comments!
I could be fixing bugs rn but insted I did this XD
Happy #WIPWednesday!
Are you working on a game?
Making some art?
Practicing a song?
Something else?
Tell us in the comments!
Small spoiler for the new Item
Pequeño spoiler del nuevo item
Happy #WIPWednesday!
Are you working on a game?
Making some art?
Practicing a song?
Something else?
Tell us in the comments!