Red Eclipse
8 years ago

Getting closer to V1.6.0

There are some interesting news from our development version, which has actually also just been pushed to stable. And that means a bunch of automatic updates are ready.

First of all, let’s have a look at a random screenshot from an editing game.


What do we see here? Lots of entities… and some wire-frame graphics that display radii or arrows for these entities. Okay, that’s really nothing new, but there has been a very annoying bug with these since the SDL transition. I’m sure most mappers out there will appreciate that this bug is finally history.

Another thing to note is that some game-play rules will be tweaked according to forum polls. You can keep track of such poll results on the issue list.

Furthermore, our stats monitor pages on are back online. Beha and the Assassin are currently working on a complete overhaul of the stats interface. Please note that right now, the stats system is fully functional, but the pages are missing some style elements. That’s all for now.

Happy shooting and mapping,

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