"WHAT, What do you mean WhiteBun released a new review? What are you on, crack!?
Jokes aside, yes, I'm back after almost 2 months without any reviews. What took me so long?
After I made my FNAW1 review I felt really burnt out of making long-ass essays about fangames, so I took a break. That's honestly it
This review was supposed to come out a week earlier, but my PC ended up breaking down, so I had to send it for repairs. Thankfully I didn't lose any files.
Anyway, today we're talking about "Take Cake to the Children," a silly little game made by @Julio-Mitrovic, also known as Crimson if you're an OG.
Why am I reviewing such a random ass game? Because, why wouldn't I?
Let's just start the review already!"
"Oh boi, I can't wait to talk about menus again. The best part of any FNAF fangame, and this game's menu is...okay, I guess."
"It's really nothing special, but the song that plays is kinda fire. It kinda sounds like Popgoes 2016. Anyway, onto the game:D
Believe it or not, this game is a retake based on the minigame from FNAF 2 with the same name. I know, very shocking.
We play as HIM from FNTR, and we gotta feed the gremlins"
(oh and charlie is just there being sad)
"The sprites look pretty nice.
The only thing we do is walk up to the kids when they get bullied online and feed them cakes till they become mukbangers.
Oh, and the funny robot voice from FNAF 2's minigame returns, but the voice is too deep for me to understand what it says. It probably says something like 'YOU'RE WINNER'!
After a while, hit video game bad guy Steve Raglan kills Charlie."
and then we get jumpscared by this thing
"He looks like the type of person to try to scam little fnati fans with fnati 6.5 ransomware.
After that, we see him again telling us, 'You can't.'"
"And yeah, that was the entire game.
So what do I think about it?
It's...nice, I guess. It's obviously not gonna blow your mind away or change the way we play games - it's just a lil game where a bear witnesses a Tumbler sexyman murder his best friends daughter, cause why wouldn't he?
I give the game a cake/10.
Oh, and the next review revolves around space! :)"
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