It's been two months since the last devlog, so I'll give you a brief summary of the things I've been working on for the game.
The base game is pretty much done. @BubyGamer11 and I have been working to get the nights done, so that means the game is now playable from Night 1 to Night 6.

I've also been working on the subtitles for the phone calls. There are now two languages available: English and Brazilian Portuguese.

I decided to add the Portuguese language for the subtitles because there are a lot of Brazilians and also Youtubers from Brazil who have been following the game since the first demo. So I believe that this would help those with limited knowledge of English.
I also wanted to welcome @cosmicstarvo as the new voice actor for Phone Guy, he's done a great job with it. You should follow him!
Here's a look at the new subtitles in the game:

Now that the Nights are done, me and @TheDanieru will focus on minigames again. There's still a lot stuff to do, so it's very likely that the game won't be released this year.
Here's a brief sneak peek of what we're working on at the moment:

Now talking about the release date... The song for the final trailer is done! I'd like to thank @Rjac25 for cooking again!

That's pretty much it for today, the game is making good progress and I'm really liking how things are turning out.
See you all soon!