>Dormitabis: Origins_

3 days ago

Got some news, Cakebear died of cancer so i we hired his cousin named "TasteBear".

I'm sorry, i promise in the future to control my horny ass around her and not give into the temptations of WOMEN.

See you in the crawlspace and yes, this is a joke lmao.



Next up

Port requested by: @Super_Massacre_Guy_69 Model: @Owni (Yeah, this is not a Greafness port) Textures: @Whiteout2191 The endo & wire textures are finalized, i'll be using them for Origins, i'll keep the suit textures unique for the havocs though.

Help wanted for a cancelled classic!

(Image is just my shitty modelling skills, but you can see what it looks like).

I was bored so i animated something with the greafness model i use for goofing around with.

I made a fixed version of amireal/cakebear

Calling for devs (This is probably the 10th time i've done this for Penumbra Studios as a whole)

Some old dormitabis arts

A random fan, making their own Dormitabis game (@NightmareralDev ), is being mass reported for no reason. I could understand it if there was a bad person or so on happening, but a random dev who just wants to make their own fan game? Seriously, dude?


Progress has been going well for us, Golden Call is officially our first character to be completed. In the meantime, take this recreation of an old teaser as proof of our progress thus far! Stay safe, and see you in the crawlspace...