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Damn, terraria world gen somethin else

POV: You're too lazy to chop down more trees just for doors

Havent been here in a long time, anyways all i wanted to say is im back, sorta, and ive decided to try finishing a project i started called: Doors 2D https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/728772511/

Also dont judge its still a demo, anyways cya later

Pumpkin.. Bleh I'm tired, its 2AM..

Well, with hard work, comes a great pay :D

🌙Overtime🌙 Earn extra money!

Learning to use unity for the first time, i present to you, Cube's adventures, heres a bit of the map:

Unity is fun.

Pov: Waiting for a vodoo demon in 1.4

Halloween Day 16.


A couple days i was just bored and i started a master mode playthrough for the first time, now im going for all bosses lol