Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's: Halloween Edition

9 months ago

Grimm Foxy's AI and the star system are now finished.

His mechanic is:

He'll slowly come to the office through either the left hall or the right hall.

When he leaves the Generator Room, you have to find him on the cameras and flash him several times to reverse his progress.

I'll also show the mechanics for the other 3 animatronics:

Jack-o-Bonnie: He'll come to the office through the left hall. When he's on the doorway, flash him several times to make him go away.

Jack-o-Chica: She'll come to the office through the right hall. When she's on the window, flash her several times to make her go away.

Dreadbear: He'll come to the office through the left hall. When he enters the office, put on the mask.

Now, about the star system:

It works like on the other games. On the main menu, the stars are, from left to right:

  1. Beat Night 5

  2. Beat Night 6

  3. Beat 4/20 (Golden Dreadbear) mode

  4. Beat all Custom Night challenges

  5. Survive for 10+ minutes on Endless Mode on Golden Dreadbear mode.

On the Custom Night menu, there'll be stars on the challenge name to show you've beat that challenge.



Next up

Also, since the game has reached 75 followers, here are some desktop wallpapers of the 4 main characters that are in the game.

Roster update: Added Tartiston. There are now 2 slots left to complete the roster.

Also, I've enhanced the lighting of the other portraits (tried to make it similar to FNaW Deluxe), except for Toy Mario.

Update 1.0.1

An alternative Old Style Edition port is now out!

Made a model for @Scrap_Metal to help me practice with organic modelling. I've done organics before but never felt satisfied, did this one very well. Might try to get into organic modelling, it's pretty fun!

Thanks to @DaRadsla for helping rig it! ^^

The game has been released!

I've added one more achievement.

I ended up making a new cutscene for beating All-Out mode, and the old one I originally made for beating it has been repurposed as a secret cutscene instead.

We laugh at the stupidest stuff.

Update 1.0.3