9 years ago

Grimstorm Wiki


So I’ve decided to make a wiki for Grimstorm. Why? Well, for two purposes really…

  • To help and inform other people of the different things you find in the game

  • A reference to myself for this and future Grimstorm games

I will be filling it with details from the new Grimstorm game I’m working on, as there’s a lot of things in it, and a Google Doc doesn’t do it justice.

Can I help with the wiki?

Yes! I encourage you to help me fill out the wiki with features from this Grimstorm game. Any kind of information about the game that you know about that hasn’t been documented would be greatly appreciated. It’s using a wiki builder called Wikia, and you can sign up on the site and help edit most of the pages!

What’s in it for me?

Well, I can’t promise anything right now, but if you decide to really help me out with this, you might be getting some presents sometime in the unknown future. What that might be I can’t say for sure (because I haven’t got a clue what it might be).

What about the new game?

So there isn’t a place to discuss ideas about the new game, and I’d love for the community to get involved. Feel free to use the comment section on each wiki page to discuss anything about the resource that you liked or disliked, and any improvements you’d like to see in the new game. Or if you’re liking the look of a new feature, let me know!

EDIT: So there’s a forum option on the Wiki, that’s handy. I’ve enabled that if you’d like to share your thoughts about new items and improvements in general there!

Thanks! Keep your swords at the ready.



Next up

Time flies...

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