I’ve just released my latest browser game here, titled “Growing Ties”:

Can you cut a tie at the right size for each one of your patrons?
You run a tie shop. Patrons want to get custom ties.
Can you cut a tie at the right size for each one of your patrons?
Use Right Arrow key to grow a tie.
Use Left Arrow key to cut it.
The tie will fall down, and hopefully reach a patron.
(Alternatively, you can use Up Arrow / Down Arrow or Z / X or D / F keys if you prefer)
Be careful to cut right-sized ties!
A perfect-sized tie matches the height of the patron’s shirt.
You’ll get 10 points for such a perfectly fitting tie, but less points if the tie is too long or too short. Of course, Patrons varies greatly in size and shape!
Cut several perfect ties in a row to get bonus “combo” points.
This game was created in 72h during the Ludum Dare 34 Jam, on the following themes: “Growing”, “2 button controls”, and the bonus theme of… “It’s a tie!”.