Next up
Now He's Just A Bunch Of Spare Parts.
Dream Night 60% done!
Release vercion of the game 70% done!
(For reference, the alpha was just 30% of the final release and a 20% of the full game with future updates)
Stay Tuned
Coming Soon. . . . .
"Frankburt's: The Start." Teaser TrĂ¡iler.
Relase date of the game: 19/8/21.
(Departure date may arise unforeseen changes)
(Relase date fixed, AGAIN!)
Rat Race Production Update
Protocol "T" Status: Failed. Protocol "AWAKE" Status: Executing.
Sorry for the late release of the second demo of the game but the voice actor of the phone guy is struggling, sorry.
He Loves Attention.
He NEEDS Attention.