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Oh my god, this song is so good! Its by "Mr. Wide" on youtube, and its a remix of The Mind Electric by Miracle Musical using it and its demos. seriously, listen to it, its so good
join @Imacrazykid4noreason 's discord server, i helped make it and its epic
wait, why is this actually cool?
Hello! here is my new WIP Paper art of my analog horror sonic! and my old take on tails.exe i made 2 years ago!
also FIRST!
Yo what? hold on... What? 600?!?!? it was only like... (1... 2... skip a few... 12) 12... 12! days ago what? thank you so much, this is epic!
now go follow more cool people like @Imacrazykid4noreason and @Your_Local_Paper_Bag
my youtube tabs are getting magenta and it goes across all my tabs. how