2 years ago

Guess the character! (Wrong answers only)



Next up

Trying something new is fun guys

Y'all won't know what I hid beneath this sketch (the entire script of the bee movie)



It's just darker this year

“The only one worried about the magic is you. And the rats talking in the walls. Oh, and Luisa. I heard her eye twitching….all night.” 🤷

What those sigma kids really need to learn instead of disrespecting others that aren't a carbon copy of them:

I made my own Encanto Door💅 He's Power is Freezing Time💅🕒

Am I the only one person in Makania fandom who acts like a typical harmless fandom member? Like instead of using current situation into a video and call it content, I make higher quality OCs and fan contents

Should I draw this interaction?

Was trying to give him a complete different highlights but he looks like a zestified, ourple-haired version of Elusive/Male Rarity

What do y'all think so far?