because I want to focus on other things besides FNaS like Roblox, Minecraft, Super Mario 64, and other games. I'm focusing a lot on FNaS recently but I have other things to do too like evolving my pixel art, improving my code on clickteam and other things and I want to talk about something that happened a month ago, my FNaS 2 Reopened save was deleted and I didn't understand anything, it wasn't me who deleted the save and I was shocked when I saw it and I was angry because I had to do everything again after the nights, the challenges, passing night 8 and max mode.
When will you be back?
Maybe I'll come back on July 20th or August.
and I'm not the coder of Maniac Mania Extended
I will still be active on discord if you want you can talk to me this is my discord name: cloneredsonic