3 years ago

guys new update



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i made this game way before the only in ohio meme

fucking awful meme by the way.

Engine showcase.

Like what you see? Uhh, maybe consider supporting me on Ko-fi? It'll increase the chances that I actually finish this damn game... #gamemaker

oh my goodness !! the first public indev screenshot?! how uncanny.

Welcome to the Gamejolt Devlog for VOIDLANDS.

This is a game I wanted to make for quite a long time.

Expect some awesome things to come from me.

This screenshot is of an indev build, showcasing the DGScript text engine.

Just as Pecaminosa's musicians #improvise this rendition of #LittleSunflower 🌻, so do we improvise with this post you're reading. 😂

What's coming out of your own improvs? 🤔

#Pecaminosa | #IndieDev | #OST | #Jazz

Chiaki Nanami!

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

"Our work is never over" they said.

Back in my art school days I used to ride the 710 COPSA line from Parque Del Plata to Montevideo almost everyday. This is the Marcopolo Viaggio G4 Mercedes Benz model from the late 80s, one of the older bus models that was running on the line.

Let me introduce you to the new Mech line: Gendai Spec. Those are Mech that specializes in surprise attacks, covered operations, and stealth. They are equipped with melee weapons but one of Gendai's frames supports sniper rifles.