2 days ago

Guys, this game is legit better than Somniphobia's troll build I made to make fun of Arty, you should check out @ScaryFroggie 's funniest game he just released N O W


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Next up

I decided to create my own Screamer Wiki account and page since after I made another document, if you wish to check it out, feel free to do so!

My Screamer Wiki Account: https://screamer.wiki/User:Gorestriker_Studios

#ArtyLovesMinorsAndGore -ArtyMik908's Document Update!-

Updates, Arty is yet again trying to frame with legit stupid old cringe shit that I did around Scratch when I was 14, yes, 14. An stupid age to handle.

Document: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGC9mNw68Y/Jur0Mc47UEjYK5tJtxzzCw/…

#ArtyLovesMinorsandGore -Movie Canva Leaked Update-

Since @Stardust_2114 has reached their third warning that Arty won't stop that Caragh might leaked the model, so guess what, I might do it early. https://gamejolt.com/p/i-have-never-snapped-this-hard-online-i-s… https://gamejolt.com/p/well-then-u6iz4atw

Since it's a tie so far, I will explain why do I choose these two that I'm going to work on soon in one day.

Finished cooking the document of MMLL, back to cooking Somniphobia, this will basically show why we stealing Naxinet and MMLL community's songs, changing contexts better and claiming them lmfao

MMLL document: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGILe9GIDQ/fZtnT6dzT4A0lbLq4NWwcw/…

Coming real soon.

After if I finished cooking the MMLL document, I'll go back to the game cooking more (I'll promise) and for the people who wants me to update Arty's document, be patient please, that would be nice

-Troll Build Update!-

Added reminder of clicking on a Snicker thing, changed credits and even added a credits mashup music! Available on the Soundtracks! (It's UST btw)

(Get trolled Arty, Shashi, Naxi and Chris lmfao )

take the l bozo, admit you like little boys and girls (don't worry, i will not response more of him since he's gonna pull some kind of excuse)

idk, game develop (i was forced to do the vine to send this)