Hey guys… Hope you’re not too upset with me. By all means, you have every right to be. But, I simply have no time to work on the game anymore. DO NOT FEAR HOWEVER! FOR I HAVE A REPLACEMENT!
Okay so, I work two jobs and whenever I get home, I'm extremely tired. So, as a way to fix this, I have one of my friends (Who's writing style is MUCH better than mine) who will take over the game. I will be watching closely to see that it evolves the way the community wishes. After all, you guys are the players. Without you, this would just be another sex driven, minimal story minecraft visual novel. Wait... What exactly is this anyway?! Farewell guys! My friend Ace should have the update ready sooner than I ever could get it for you guys. I'll still be active on youtube comments (Yay) so if you see me there, feel free to say hello.