Crafty's Play Zone
3 months ago

Happy Easter everyone!

I guess to celebrate, take another patch for Crafty's Play Zone! I dub this one "The Minigame Update", just try and guess what it focuses on! XD

Full patch notes are seen below!

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-- VERSION 1.1.1 --


  • Fixed some sprites not properly deloading when restarting the minigame. This primarily happened in Mama's Kitchen.

  • Mama's Kitchen - The eggs in round 1 can no longer be thrown out of the screen's boundaries.

  • Tricksy Towers - Fixed Tricksy's physics not properly resetting after restarting the minigame.

  • Tricksy Towers - Adjusted Tricksy's dialogue in the intro to specify that 10 bricks need to be placed overall, rather than having to be 10 bricks high.

  • Archard - Previously, the crosshair provided in this minigame would severely lag behind where your mouse cursor actually was. Since the detection for shooting is based on your cursor and NOT the crosshair, this meant that some shots would feel very inconsistent. The crosshair should now better follow where your actual cursor is.

  • Archard - Falling apples and falling Cublets now have some extra code in place to prevent them from spawning on top of each other.

  • Archard - The Cublets will now run faster to reach the edge of the screen once it's the end of the round. This will avoid showing duplicates of them when they pop out of the bushes during dialogue.

  • Pippie's Hungry - Fixed an issue where the player would teleport to the center of the screen for a single frame once the final fish is collected. This could cause the player to teleport on top of a bad object and unfairly lose a life.


  • Changed the gate to access the 'Chris' log on the final section of the Database to be an orange security gate, rather than a regular grey one. This should make it clearer when you can unlock it for players.


  • Fixed the employee names on the large monitor not appearing properly when restarting the night.



Next up

I was wondering where all these new followers were coming from, but now it all makes sense... XD

Welcome to Crafty's Play Zone! And I hope you enjoy your stay!

To celebrate 2 years since Pee Paw 1...


Choose your path and date either Pee Paw Afton, Map Bot or Vanny!

The game was meant to release today, but there's been a delay. Hopefully look forward to it TOMORROW! :D

Development 1: The Trio

These were the first ever pieces of concept art (drawn by @_new_york_rose ) that was made for the three main characters of Crafty's Play Zone!

I go more in-depth about each of them in the article below:

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Development 2: The Cublets

Here was the first piece of concept art made for the Cublets (drawn by @_new_york_rose ).

A lot of thought was put into them, which I've gone into detail about in the article below!

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1 week remains for the new Pee Paw project...

Here's one of many backgrounds that is in it!

Saw this Twitter post which said to try and times something in the game you're making by 1000. This was the result when I tried it... XD

Hey all! While cleaning out my room, I found some old concept sketches of some cameras (and the office) in Crafty's Play Zone. I completely forgot about them!

It's quite interesting to see how they've evolved over time!

P.S. I am NOT an artist... XD

Another background to tease this upcoming game! >:D

Crafty's Play Zone is OUT NOW!

Check it out!

Development 4: The Database sections (SPOILERS)

I'm a little late on this dev log, but this does contain spoilers for secret parts of Crafty's Play Zone! It will discuss how the Database sections of the game have evolved over time!

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