6 months ago


2023 is officially over so I thought now it’s all over it’s time to reflect on some cool shit that happened this year so read the article to take a stroll down memory lane with me |


Now that everything’s over here’s my recap of 2023 Warning ⚠️ This will only be covering fun things to do with media that I follow so this post will not include political commentary or any media Coverage I do not follow⚠️ .

This not in any specific order.

First we’re gonna talk about an anime that made me and many others cry and that anime is Attack on titan the last season part um part 4? All jokes aside I literally cried once the last episode ended and I know there’s quite a bit of controversy around this show with people thinking the og ending being bad the mappa workers being worked to the bone the switch from wit to mappa and even more but with all this said I still think this show was a masterpiece and for people with graveness with the cannon ending hopefully Aot requiem can fix that for you.

Next I’m gonna talk about my game of the year spider man 2 this ps5 exclusive is a massive W for spider man games insomniac and the gaming industry as a whole with its amazing swing mechanics and expansive open world even tho it hasn’t got new game plus yet I just find myself swinging around and stopping crime and unpopular opinion Miles’s new suit at the end of the game looks fire as hell and after a while honestly I don’t mind the dreads which seems to be a lot of people’s main complaint with the suit and I think the most enjoyable part of the game to me is when you get to play as 19 inches of venom and kill Kraven and yes I am aware it got obliterated by boulders gate 3 at the game awards which I haven’t played so I won’t comment on it.

And for the third thin I’m going to talk about the absolutely massive W that was the FNAF movie even at its release this movie absolute blew up on the internet and just in general with 8 years of hype backing it’s not hard to see why because at this point FNAF has become an inescapable force which I think is amazing and it basically kick started a whole genre (indie horror) and this movie broke loads of records and it’s officially the highest grossing horror film of 2023 which is absolutely insane 😵‍💫 (and I think this was probably what prompted bendy to announce its movie) that means it even won against massive movies like Megan an evil dead rise and I have bought the dvd version for the FNAF movie.

4th we’re gonna talk about another video game movie that broke the box office this year which of course is the super Mario bros movie this movie undoubtedly was a fun time with the Mario brothers and a not to complex story (I mean what did you expect it’s an illumination movie) this movie really turned heads and made people really reconsider if video game movies were all bad. I mean personally I think the sonic movies before this were better but there is no understating how much an impact this movie had on audiences perception of video game movie adaptations.

The Next topics a bloody one and that is JJK’s hidden inventory arc and Shibuya arc these two arcs were honestly phenomenal with the first one telling us the story of the star plasma vessel and how Gojo and Geto drifted apart then the Shibuya arc being heartbreaking with deaths of beloved characters like Nanami and Jogoat this arc also gave us amazing fights like Sukuna vs Jogo Toji vs Dagon and Gojo vs the disaster curses Wichita ended up with the blue eyed goat sadly being sealed and there’s also the iconic ‘I am you’ speech from Mahito all and all this season of anime will surely be remembered for generations to come.

Now let’s talk about another cog in the year of FNAF which is security breach’s phenomenal dlc ruin this game people were wearily optimistic about with the caution mainly coming from the base game of security breach making lots of big promises and falling short on almost all of them being seen by most audiences as a broken buggy mess and its lore didn’t do it any favours either (*cough**cough* Gregbot) so once this game released fans were delighted playing it for the first time. The game wasn’t broken!, it tied up loose ends, it left questions that felt answerable by future games and lastly it properly introduced everyone’s favourite reaction gif THE MIMIC this game was great and this was only strengthened by the announcement of the next instalment in the series FNAF help wanted 2

Taking a step back from FNAF this section I would like to talk about some anime announcements for 2024 and I’ve only made a post on one of these which is the chainsaw man movie announcement and I’ll tell you this got me absolutely hyped aside from all the memes that have been going around about the stench devil waiting to strike the theatres this is gonna be absolutely amazing as someone who’s read the manga I can guaranty this arc is fire 🔥 and I’m glad mappa’s at least waited for jjjk to end before this production (I think) I hope the workers are given a reasonable time frame to complete this like JJK 0 and Aot the final season next announcement I’m hyped for kaiju number 8 this at least manga has been hyped up for a while now with people saying it’s carrying new gen Shonen and that the adult MC’s really good ,very positive stuff and cherry on top once again this anime adaptation of kaiju being produced by mappa which is normally a good thing but they are getting a bit of flack for this with people saying the character designs aren’t faithful or the kaiju’s look bad there’s quite a deal of controversy here but still I’m quite hyped even without knowing much about the show and the last announcement I want to talk about is Dandadan which said to be ‘kinda like csm’ or at least that’s what I’ve heard and this anime’s production team is non other then science saru which like studio mappa also has some very respectable notches on its belt with its most recent hit being Scott pilgrim takes of which by this point I’m sure you’ve heard about by now (seriously it’s inescapable now).

Now as the last thing you know we Have To end the year of FNAF of on a high note with are last glorious FNAF game that released this year which is FNAF help wanted 2 the sequel no one asked for but we all needed seriously I haven’t even played the game but just watching people play this masterpiece it looks fun as hell and where I expected it to fall flat on its face in the narrative department it did not! Telling an interesting story about a dad riddled with guilt over possibly killing one certain child who just so happened To be crying go check out the game theorists newest video for that one I think he hit the nail on the head for this one anyway this game looks like so much fun and you best believe if I ever get the chance to get my hands on this game and the means to play it I’m snatching it right on up and never leaving VR again.

Anyway I think that’s really my thoughts on 2023 over well at least the media side obviously a lot of terrible stuffs happened this year but honestly that’s not what my platforms here to talk about and I don’t want to really but hey I think it’s good to escape into the world of your favourite media sometimes and to all the like 120 of you out there have a great 2024 thanks for an am year on my part and I’m out

Thank you

-exotic butters



Next up


It’s the fith birthday of FNAF help wanted!!!

Damn we’re all growing up 💀

We now have our second image of youtooz’s balloon boy plush and he looks as annoying as ever lmao 💀





You can now watch jonnyblox interview the head of steel wool and who knows maybe there’s some LOOOOORRREE hidden somewhere




Into the pit news:

We now know the official age rating of ‘into the pit’.

Recently a steam page for into the pit was made which contained a lot of juicy LOOOOORREEE but what we are focusing on today is the age which is… A 16!

Number 7's name is!.. Oh well, you're not ready to know it yet, but now you can simply refer to her as "A.R."


We have new information on FNAF into the pit all detailed here: https://mediaindieexchange.com/games/five-nights-at-freddys-into…

But on the weekend I will have another post on this go up on this hopefully 🤞