5 months ago




Next up

Bro just wants to go hibernate mode but Lyxxie and Dark is debating about garlic bread gravies outside at the living room of their new house 😔


Sleeping on the sofa (pretend there's a sofa in the image)


While the lore can be cool and explorable... Remember that there's one part that has all the tragedy. And behind the tragedy comes an eerily and oddly calming music.


Day 20 of drawing random Joltober sketches until the prompt is Morbius-related



According to a comment, like the mediocre historical move (iykyk), the movie screening in cinemas will be extended to a month due to high requests! Let's help the movie GO NUMBER ONE

Day 23 of drawing random Joltober sketches until the prompt is Morbius-related


“Why are you using GL2? It's overwhelming!”

It's better to stick to what we have 😌

This is the 13th time

I won't use the usual captions for the last two days of Joltober. Period.


It might be too far but we still have time until possibly the end of the month guys
