2 months ago

Happy new year! Here are 16 free examples :P (Check Article)


(Do note that example descriptions were copied from Click Converse Discord server > Resources channel with little to no modifications)

1. Simple Enemies 😈

Simple example with basic enemies, mostly focuses on reliable object pairing between parents and children..
Happy new year :P


  • Reliable object pairing, with dynamic creation, and destruction (Each enemy gets a healthbar, hat, and a gun)

  • DeltaTime Support

  • Enemies shoot bullets randomly via their associated guns

  • Bullet movement based on the Custom 360 Bouncing Ball Movement widget

  • Enemy's Gun movement based on the Rotate to Target with Easing widget

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13crV6jkzp2QHvLKf0EXUXCqcTjqxE2aJ/view?usp=sharing


2. Circular Collisions 🟠

One of my older examples. Supports in bounds and out of bounds circular collision detection and handling, useful for stuff like virtual joysticks. (Note: Not implemented as a widget)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OqbHwx6vnq3GPvBlYOSeii8Lq1RvY9Ah/view?usp=sharing


3. Simple Pathfinding Visualizer πŸ›£οΈ

A simple pathfinder visualizer I made for a Twitter (now X) post earlier this year, includes 3 frames of doing the same thing but slightly differently Maybe do your own take on it and implement it via arrays for real use case?

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ROQohHRe4jlMl3UK0FKFMODco3FmWn6/view?usp=sharing


4. Custom Zooming And Rotations πŸ”

Zoom and rotate scenes (custom method, meaning no shaders or extension used) Can be used to rotate stuff around a point, like planets orbiting around the sun


  • Zoom relative to a point

  • Rotate around a point

  • Customizable Center

  • Bonus Example included, behaves more like a widget

  • Should work on all runtimes


- Right Arrow: Rotate to the right
- Left Arrow: Rotate to the left
- Drag the crosshair like object to change the center

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Ti03J9YpnrQZySH9Vmo4uJW_3AwpTMU/view?usp=sharing


5. Tank πŸͺ–

A custom tank movement with collisions and ability to fire bullets

Note: This example originally had SDL joystick support, I removed it because it was using an early "trial" version and is now paid, if you want the gamepad supported version please contact Phi first to get the object then contact me to update the mfa with gamepad support again


  • Deltatime (with step checks)

  • Custom tank movement widget (works with multiple objects), move forward, backwards, rotate right or left, strafe, and ability to fire bullets

  • Custom bouncing ball movement, used for bullets

  • Should work on all runtimes, I tested it on Android before

  • Nice looking assets I found on Kenny's website :P

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ZMD8OwK4ubxqimMbyjaco1kCmN9eB9P/view?usp=sharing


6. Simple AutoTiling 🧩

A simple modification to a basic 4 directions (16 tiles) auto tiler I made in late 2021, I figured it would be useful to share here due to it's simplicity compared to other autotiling examples.

Uses the bitwise algorithm, for better explanation check this article: https://web.archive.org/web/20150906102436/http://www.saltgames.com/2010/a-bitwise-method-for-applying-tilemaps/


  • Specify X and Y grid size

  • Specify X and Y offsets

  • Easy to use, just call the "AutoTiling" loop to trigger the tiling process

  • Should work on all runtimes, and no 3rd party extensions used, only Array and Active

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vY3RfoBUKoIllCegQ5iAfv4aOdROCOn_/view?usp=sharing


7. Notifications πŸ””

A simple (depending on how you define "simple") notifications example/engine (with some dead memes thrown into the mix). was originally made to help a user with a notification system.

Note: Feel free to use in any project, no need to credit me at all, but it would be appreciated :)


  • Add or remove notifications at any index

  • Remove notifications by clicking on an object or directly from the list

  • Move notifications

  • Notification tweening, with adjustable tween speed, origin and margin

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Yn-8tEJpiRJlSDRQbn9O0uDY5xoIzo_/view?usp=sharing


8. Custom Simple Bouncing Ball Movement ⚽

Just like the normal Bouncing Ball movement, this aims to be easy and simple to use, and can be used in a variety of use cases, my favorite use case is projectiles.

Note: You can use this any project you want, commercial or not, no need to credit me at all, but it would be appreciated :)


  • Custom 360 Bouncing Ball Movement

  • Can be easily adapted into a widget, just drop the "Balls" group inside a behavior

  • Collisions easily checked with one event, can be placed anywhere

  • Works with multiple balls

  • Easy spawning, just create the object, that's it

  • DeltaTime support

  • Step Checks support (and dynamic steps via deltatime)

  • Bonus "shooters", each one shoots a customizable amount of object with a customizable margin between each one

  • Should work on all runtimes, I don't see why not (maybe not HTML5 because it's very inconsistent with loops and scoping)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Itt41awp1nJbmwC-PUjR5JJPEwALzWs/view?usp=sharing


9. Simple Pendulum(s) πŸ”΄


  • A frame for the very basics

  • Multiple pendulums

  • Fixed DeltaTime support

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-uBqn2VGdJ806QbDazbt1V8uai7IIc3u/view?usp=sharing


10. Rotate to Target with Easing πŸ“

A simple rotate to target with easing example, handles proper easing for rotation and supports DeltatTime

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-w6Xm34r517e3Vj4vH0C5QpAVjN4wqaR/view?usp=sharing


11. Mouse Collisions (Custom Move Safely)πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈβ€βž‘οΈπŸ–±οΈ

Sometimes you want collisions to be checked and handled no matter what's the movement is, mostly in this case it can move at any speed and any direction..

Say you want to use the built-in Drag and Drop movement but also want collisions to be handled, as well as stopping the object and pushing it out when collision is detected..

This is where this example comes into play, the example uses the built-in Drag and Drop movement as a template (but can work for any movement, built-in or not) , and has the custom core that handles collisions, works kind a like how Move Safely 2 extension works internally.

Note that as said above, this can be used with any movement, built-in, or custom, doesn't matter, for example: you can actually use it with the built-in, non-physical 8 Directional movement and it would just work (no bouncing or dragging when sliding on walls!).


  • Very fast performance wise

  • Works with multiple objects

  • Works with ANY movement speed, no matter how fast it is

  • Slides just fine when colliding (No slopes support though)

  • Can be adapted as widget, just drop the "PUSH: Core" group inside a behavior

  • Collisions easily checked with one event, can be placed anywhere

  • Works with any movement, Built-in or not (for example, use it with the built-in 8 Directional movement)

  • Should work with all runtimes, I don't see why not (Maybe not HTML5 as it's very inconsistent with loops and scoping)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-kPExUUhxFbZughDkiqhRXSqgnBaL4oP/view?usp=sharing


12. Camera Boundaries πŸŽ₯ πŸ›‘

Simple limit scrolling to zones example

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-dcXXa2Lt5490UmbiRsPXhegKNckarK6/view?usp=sharing


13. Bluewing Simple Players 🌐 πŸ•ΉοΈ

Very simple bluewing players example, covers the absolute basics and some bluewing and fusion selection


  • New player connection handling

  • Player disconnection handling

  • Smoothing from old position to current one (dead reackoning)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-nGQOptn0saVIYbbfVveuPj1JVVKxljA/view?usp=sharing


14. Custom Window πŸͺŸ

An old custom window example I made in 2021, some aspects could be improved, but thought of sharing it here anyways


  • Drag application from header (title)

  • Close, Minimize, and Maximize window

  • Drag from any side, diagonal dragging too

  • Bonus: Drag image(s) to app window to spawn them at mouse position, draggable

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-fyAToYDadfEHuIc_gwvXbRXua6cC0sC/view?usp=sharing


15. Array Convertor Tool πŸ“„

The upgraded version of TSV to Array convertor tool


  • Fixed a parsing bug caused by string tokenizer not handling empty cells by switching to a custom method (But slower conversion)

  • Ability to convert from Arrays to TSV or CSV, and vice versa

  • Ability to save and load multiple sheets (or Z indexes in array terms)

  • Optionally copy data to clipboard

  • Optional number-based array handling (Text by default)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MsqNQdidQBS4IIyK6rqhYJDmIa0fNfRj/view?usp=sharing


16. Capture Surface πŸ“ΈπŸ–ΌοΈ

A simple widget to capture a specific zone in the frame, works on HWA, main trick is that a Surface object is blitting a Perspective object


  • Capture a specific zone

  • Save to file

  • Copy to clipboard

  • Implemented as a widget for easy use, just modify some values and call some fastloops (check first comment)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-tclcSsyqTsgnX6VY13iziEmyXh2UpdF/view?usp=sharing


That was exhausting...

1 comment


Next up

Two Open-Source Minimap Examples! πŸ—ΊοΈ (Check Below)

Example: Fractle Tree 🌳 https://youtu.be/DuQpeLoSjHs

Guide: Custom basic Top-Down movement

Come visit our Patreon to read up on some of the cool new things Fusion3 can do with your objects. Monthly blogs start now! #CF25 #Clickteam #MadeWithFusion


(APRIL FOOLS 24) The Clickstore and Passport are finally back again! New look and features (some still in testing phase) +more:

- Wishlist - Discounts - Better author editing tools - New UI (mobile friendly)

https://clickstore.clickteam.com/ https://community.clickteam.com/passport/

Simple Localization for Clickteam Fusion 2.5+!

This .mfa includes only the necessary code and tips to implement your own localization system using .csv files to store the texts!

Open the article to get started.

Guide: DeltaTime

Check out the new forum! https://community.clickteam.com/

Goblin Enhanced (WIP)

Point and Triangle collision testing! ( without built in collision conditions ) Note: it's a ( bit ) trigometery heavy Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zP4v0t0hJaGTG4rx7jyCwBsGHMsEU1y…