2 years ago

🏳️‍🌈Happy pride month everybody let this month strengthen your resolves and remind. You that always proud of who you are and what you represent cause if you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else lemme get a amen up in here🌈



Next up

😭😭😭 drawing with a mirror is a pain in the butt-

But a lil doodle and decided to add @Seasaltdino (sorry for the random ping-)

Because Luz owed them a doodle heh-

Hope they like it

Okay I have officially made a RWBY community folks so if you want a mod or somthing let me know rn

That’s right PUN THREAD

Gimme those puns

And let’s hope their punny

Eh- see what I did there

Oh hey look it's @GemOnGJ ! :3 My first submission to Art Fight!

Oh- it’s my spawn day that’s crazy

GUH!!!! rambley raccoon gets hit with the TRANS RAY!!!!!!! happy pride month guys

POV:she bumped into you

Character :Street urchin cookie from the new update


Hey and thanks I am pretty chill you seem pretty dope too and art moots sure why not artists are awsome so always friend request me or somthing


Silly scarecrow dude + updatessss


T-theirs to many monika and sayori are really scary on a team together