2 years ago

Happy pride month!

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Hello again!

We'd like to apologize for not communicating about the game, and what's been happening with the studio.

Please take a little bit of time out of your day to read the article below, explaining what happened, and what we're planning;

Thank You.

Sumo Cars 2's development has been facing some technical difficulties with the editor, however, the issue is now resolved.

Development is continuing, and we are hoping to get an update out by new year's. Stay tuned!

Another snippet from development, back when update 0.3.2 was brewing. Maybe a little bit too much light?! :D

Catalyst is a techno witch and the first trans woman added to Apex! Respawn worked with voice actor Meli Grant (who is trans herself) as well as GLAAD to create the character. Catalyst is out, proud, and, as Grant told GamesRadar, "inescapably trans."

Good news!

Development is slowly resuming. We're now simply more busy than we used to be for years, so development will still likely be a little slower, but it's once again underway.

Have a screenshot of us having fun testing the new developer console! :)

Isobel is a cleric & the protector of the Last Light Inn! Openly queer, she's part of why GLAAD said Baldur's Gate 3 "does more than just welcome queer people. It embraces us and weaves our stories throughout the vibrant and dynamic world it crafts."

Last update (for now)'s changelog is in the article below!

Thanks for playing.

A statement regarding Sumo Cars 2's development;

Very difficult times are upon me. I have my future on the line currently, and a very thin one at that. I am not ending development, but it may be a while till the next update. Please be patient, thank you.

Love yourself even if pride month is now over, stay strong someone does/will love you for you. #PrideJolt #Trans

Merry Christmas everyone, and have a wonderful holiday.

From UGG. :)