Phobia: The Awakening

11 months ago

Happy second anniversary to the completion of Phobia: The Awakening!

Two years ago I had finished working on Phobia: The Awakening, and it was a pretty interesting journey to say the least. At the time I wasn't on Gamejolt or practically anywhere and had no thoughts about releasing the game until later on!

I'm still super happy with how The Awakening turned out, and I'm even happier with it after the past few quality of life updates! @JollyGiant64 and @MycG023 did really well with their roles in the 2.0 update, and I cannot thank them enough for it! Very talented people if you ask me!

I don't have much to share today as I'm saving plans for its second release anniversary later in August. Not exactly sure what it'll be, but I'm hoping I'll have something exciting by then! Stay tuned!



Next up


Update on what's to come!


totally legit lore i promise (im lying)

Blender 4.1 is actually really cool. Very different from 2.78 obviously, so it'll take some getting used to.

Excited to learn more about it!

I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

This image perfectly captures the development process of my projects in Blender’s game engine so well.

I've been very busy lately! Things are going relatively smoothly, and there's definitely some things I still need to try fixing up, but other than that we've hit a HUGE milestone in the game's development!

Of course, there's still so much left to do!

Algo mas complejo.

Something more complex.

Happy birthday, Denny. I miss you so much.