Happy Tree Friends Horrors (One Week At Jaiden's Remake) (Official + On Hold)

1 month ago


(Also It's HTF Horror's 1st Anniversary)

It's The 1st anniversary of Happy Tree Friends Horrors (The Jolly Horrors Inspired Game), And Something Very Strange happened This Year today. And I wanna talk about it.

The (Strange) Return Of Happy Tree Friends:

Yesterday, I was informed by @Conor_the_Robin , that Mondo Media (The Company that Made HTF) Has been working on New Episodes recently this year. Last time when HTF was still going on, It ended at Still Alive. But right now, I never thought that all of my Games were gonna be made with Mondo Media's Revival of HTF Coming up. But yeah, he was right, Conor did say that Happy Tree Friends returned by stating this, "They're Making New Episodes." I, never thought that, Happy Tree Friends was back after it's conclusion with Still Alive. But right now, I never had to know, I remembered joining the show's Fandom back when I watching HTF Episodes on YouTube. But as of now. I'm still with the Fandom. And I cared about the series I made, as of right now, It will still be on hold as of now

1st Anniversary of HTF Horrors:

Back in April, It's the 1st Anniversary of HTF Horrors, and I was just happy it was just so good to have another anniversary for one of my games. So here's what I made so far this year:

The Paw (Redesign):


The Trailer's of Project J-41647 and Curse Of Stella:


It's only the Trailers' Thumbnails so, I couldn't share the actual Trailers to the site

And some new Cast Member's, Mainly Pretty Blood Characters and Stella:


What a Long Ride we have come along on isn't it. But hey, there's still more to come, maybe a little Teaser Game I guess. See you soon everyone



Next up

Lucas/Weegeepie Really Has Made Some Bad Decisions, And It's Why I Need To Spread The Word Now, He Must Decide Whether Or No He Would Try To Make A TRUE Response To THe Allegations Or Get Deplatformed

This Guy Offened Me For Calling THSC A Chinese Bootleg, ANNND Said I look like big wheel. I DO NOT! Think that is true cause TAF is meant to be a Rewrite of TDHIAP, NOT a Chinese Bootleg

Art I made of Siltrics' Batman Analog Horror Series

His Channel:

[Happy Tree Friends OC]

G is for ggcreeper08.

Help Wanted, We May Need A Bunch Of New Dev's To Help With The Game's Development

new tarkov style game in progress

made in TW using my engine flashback 2


Lammy's HTF Horrors Design

Got Done With The 1st 2 Fan Characters In HTF Horrors Style, Piney And Jayden

she red my dead till i redemption

Splendid's HTF Horrors Design