6 days ago


(higher quality)

this is what i was talking about!
it's for Misty, a twitch streamer. I decided to do this after i noticed he did this every time he looked at the chat


the hat is thrown by his chat. sometimes it lands well, sometimes it doesn't. and this one landed like this.

i said i had a video prepared. and i really did, but i realized that it isn't very possible to upload both video and image on one post (unless i would put the images into an article), plus videos on gamejolt can be pretty laggy. the video though was just his reaction, which you can see here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2182087356?t=2h34m32s (link should skip to 2:34:32)



Next up

i didn't know what bg to do and how to color it, so it escalated into this

so i haven't been posting for a bit. what's new?

so im staring at this, basically writting a game in my own scripting language

Art fight attack


First attack muehehehe

ill be posting more soon :)


First attack! (Not added yet)

second artfight attack!