24 days ago

Haven’t done these in a while, why the heck not https://diary.viralsachxd.com/75014c39e

Please don’t say anything that’s related to someone’s status of standing on office wheel chairs



Next up

Hey uhh if any of you guys have blocklive installed, I’d consider to uninstalling it immediately


Wanted to draw Pokèmon (aka Rockruff the OG) Elliott, I’ve been wanting to do this all day but I’ve kept going into loops and such and never really turned out how I wanted, so eventually I just made a few doodles

On vacation rn, but I decided to share this. It’s a sketch of a protegen character I made, but I’m still keeping him cannon. The image on the right is his appearance on Scratch

Why is it so hard to figure out to figure out like an object or something that can boost the player or somethin, do you guys know what could work cuz I don’t know right now

Here's a Video of the Co-Op test from my Upcomming Scratch Game, Super Benjiro Boiz. the two people that are in the project is my friend @LarryBobs , and another friend of mine from Scratch.

Forgive me for the sluggish video, for some reason the WEBM I recorded using Turbowarp it won't let me upload it onto here. So here's the sluggish OBS version, it's better than nothing ig.

Anyways I added shadows to enemies to make it easier

Just wanted to do like a thing with the OG Benjiro and Elliott

Well, I finally was able to get my cap done!

I’m done with high school, I can finally celebrate