So yeah guys, you can all check it out on official pinned post for this future parody mascot horror game here and........Wait a minute here???? Is......Is that???.........Isn't that the original official header that I'd made for the #6thEpisode for "Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science" way back on March 23rd to 24th of 2024??? OMG it is!!!! And looks like this one aged super welly and a lot more better then the other past five that I'd made months ago here on 2024!!!!
And it appears that it has finally given itself its very own remastered version of itself as well too!!! I mean, it's not really all that much!!! But it's of course has a bit more changes to it!!!! And it was for the better good!!!!

I mean, it does has a few adjustments!!!! But unlike the ones for episodes one through five, this one for episode six looks a lot more better and of course, looks a bit more cleaner!!!! And by the way, I WAS going to add in some shadows here and there on Veggey Heggey, but that didn't really worked out very well!!! So yeah, instead I'd only added in a few arrows!!! It's not the best though, but it's simpler then harder I guess......
......And it appears I'd still stuck with the #BanBan6GameHeader nonsense!!!!! That's still a plus!!! Speaking of which, everything for the story for episode six is already getting started!!!! And as always, it'll be all 100% completed as soon as I have them chances and everything!!! And there you have it folks!!! And to make all things clear and everything, I've been using Canva to create these kinds of parody-like creations!!!! But again you guys, that's the end for today's/tonight's final post!!!! First off, they'll be no future updates for only on Mondays and Tuesdays!!!! And I guess you all know when I'll be at during those days alone!!! And secondly, sorry of the lack of videos and everything!!! But fear not, they'll be out eventually!!!! However though, they'll be kind of shorter and everything!!!
More on all of that later!!!!! And finally or thirdly for that matter, many other episode game header treatments will also doing the same things like for the remaining episodes for Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science will also be having their remastering treatments!!! And yes!!! As you all seen it by now!!!! They'll a FULL and official totals of #TENPARTS for Episode Nineteen and #20FullEpisodes of this future mascot parody horror game!!!! Anyways, have a safe and goodnight sleep and see you all in the next future updates!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!! #VeggeyHeggeysStillCreepyAnd............. #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #RespectThePositivenessParodies!!!!!!!