Event systems, new customizations, article posts, improved Arcade, balance changes and completed roadmap chapter. Events update main goal is to construct an automated system for dynamic activities and content, making it easy for me to develop upcoming content and adding programmed tasks for you during special dates, compatible with current features such as Arcade, Workshop and overall additions.
Milestone: 'interactive progress part 1' is completed
'Events' update ends the first chapter of the interactive content development roadmap.

The website development progress has been increased by 340% during this year, by adding 68% of the current features and improving most of previous ones.

The website is ready to be advertised as quality online service and entertainment platform for people to join the party. It's been an epic journey isn't it?
Content update
Events info is a window you can open by clicking the new button 'events' at top menu or by using this url: https://www.heavenly-roads.com/#events_info

Cards customizations has been updated by improving some and adding new ones!

Arcade improvements
Fourth place prizes has been added due varied petitions!
Some more stats has been added, such as overall used power-ups and last week podium.
Players used power-ups are shown at the bottom of their card at the scoreboard now.
Arcade theme has been reworked, including customization ones.
Bots now plays dynamically, meaning they gets Coins along the week.
Support page updated
This page includes all info related to 'Official Supporter Membership' now. The membership interface modules have been improved as well.

Blog feature is here to stay! All news, updates and content will be shown here. This new interface's goal is to keep the fidelity to other official sites such as GameJolt posts or DeviantART journals. But another goal is to serve a better adaptation for my own advertisement needs as well.
It is very easy to navigate through by using the filters to search for a specific category. You can enter to posts that contains extended articles to fully read them. Every released post is already there, so feel free to take a look!
Other additions and improvements
Customization tab and top menu have been upgraded.
Wallpapers includes my last works: 'Beyond Galactic Pastures' and 'Equilibrium' for you to download. Check them here!
An optimization process has been made for graphics and overall content.
Balance changes
Gadgets store price changed from 0.66 to 1.33.
Magnacitta item is no longer at the Store.
Magnacitta craft has been updated:
Cost 40 = 40
Gadgets 270 > 258
Coins 920 > 526
What's next
This update ends the current development chapter, meaning that there will be no mayor updates during some time but there will be lot of events releases. These releases are the first goal to create a cyclic system to keep the website feeding continuous features and activities for users.
Many events are under development right now, you can check their state at 'Events' window. An announcement will be released once an event is complete and ready to launch.
This is all for now. See you soon at the anniversary event!