Hello all, it's time to clear some fog for you to learn about this new game I'm working on.

Set in the same universe as Endless Inside, 'DELIRIUM' aims to push the boundaries of the horror genre, offering players a free-roam experience through unsettling locations. Moving away from pre-made jumpscares and generic horror topics, this game’s mechanics are crafted to cultivate fear within the player’s mind, exposing them to new emotions and unimagined fears.
This is my first realistic-looking game, featuring a raw-dirty look which is where Endless Inside universe art direction is heading towards. I'm putting all my efforts to bring you something fresh and interesting. I built this game into an easy-to-handle environment which allows me to add and update content releases on an extremely eficient way, making the development progress much better and faster than ever. This project will boost Endless Inside sequel development in the future as well, thanks to the assets, systems and mechanics I'm working on.
The game page is released for you all to check it out. Here you can find more information about the game:
Steam page and the official website will be announced in the future.
This is all for now, more teasers and information are coming soon. Let me know any questions you may have. Take care and avoid the darkest areas.