I just want want to give you all a heads up. If any of you guys have a facebook, twitter, instagram or any other contacting program, make sure to talk to any of the Dark Deception developers about making more patches for the game okay? And please, do let them rush to fix them. You know how people rush to complete amazing games like this one.
And as for the Glowstick Entertainment themselves, if your seeing this message, please fix this game please. I don't want to take forever on that clown level. It drives me NUTS!! Haha!! No pun intended.
Anyways, people in these DD communities make sure to give ME some updates on the game okay? I don't want to wait forever!! Those Reaper Nurses, those mascots, and Mamma Bear and his teddies are waiting for me!! PLEASE!!! Help me okay you guys? Thanks everyone!! Take care!! And still, Dark Deception is still the BEST game ever made. EVER!!!
Also, one last time, are the remaining bugs that I still have on my end of this game is still my fault or the games fault? Anyways, take care again!!