Undertale 3D
3 years ago

Hello dear friends. I have good news. My team and I came up with a combat system for the game and can continue to develop this project)

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Starting Scene - Undertale 3D

Koschey before he was possessed by evil and the witch.

New location without seams.

Deltarune: Shamrock

We continue to experiment! Now the "Summer Forest" location looks like this!

Attention! Everything may change in the future, but this is not a fact.

(The graphics from the old screenshots were lost when the hard drive died in February)


Version 1.1.0

Bugs fixed, defense improved, AI improved and more playable. The size of the game has become much smaller.

Further updates:

Strike behind the enemy's back.

Tutorial. Android version.

So! Update! The game has updated graphics! And the New Android version, but so far without a plot in 3D.

Drew these at class today

sometimes i forget these are supposed to be the same guy

The result of today's stream.