Breaking Fast
7 years ago

Hello, delicious world!


In this first post, my intention is that you all know what Breaking Fast is about, and also a bit of the history of the game and the team behind it.


To sum up: Breaking Fast is a 2d Mario Kart where characters are pieces of breakfast food. In addition to the racing component, we add brawling dynamics in the line of Super Smash B. Brawl (yes, we’re keen on Nintendo games). The game will be released in Spring on Steam. This is the trailer we prepared for the Greenlight campaign back in June 2016. The game has changed quite a bit since then, but you’ll get a grasp of its main idea:

Now a bit of history. Back in August 2015, I wanted to learn Lua (it was a language that had drawn my attention for some time) and Ludum Dare was coming up. Therefore, I looked for frameworks in this language and I came across Löve. After experimenting some days, the first prototype of Breaking Fast was partially made, just for the sake of learning. However, by that time I was finishing my ph.D. and I had to keep it in a drawer. Once I finished it and since I had had so much fun while making the prototype I retook the project together with my girlfriend and with a friend who is musician. This was back in January 2016. Over the rest of the year we were working on this game as well as attending different game events (including PAX East), although most of them in Spain (where we’re from). We were granted several awards (two Public Choice Awards and one 2nd Best Game Award), which was a boost of motivation to continue the project.

Later last year, a friend of us who is a professional game developer working for a big company contacted us and proposed a part-time collaboration that we happily accepted. He’s mainly in charge of programming the online mode, which is great because we can now focus entirely on the basic gameplay while he works in parallel.

Currently, most of the main gameplay is completed. We’re currently in the process of polishing and improving the game feel, as well as finishing the integration with the networking libraries of Steam. Also, we’re starting the localization of the game to several languages. Although a big part of the development is completed, I’ll keep you posted on the latest news and events. Also, don’t hesitate to ask any question you may have, and I’ll answer as soon as I can.


Thanks for reading and let’s keep in contact.



Next up

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