1 month ago

Hello everybody :}

I have became a collaborator of The furry safe community. And probably an Owner in some time aswell

after the Owner's absence and 2nd collaborator's being banned, I decided to do something with this community since it is full of people

So prepare for the community rewamp. The theme of the community will not change so there's no need to worry

I'll add more channels, and edit the rules, so they appear on the side of the front page instead of having a whole channel for it

change the headers of the channels

possibly the profile and the banner of the community itself aswell, but i don't know - I'll see if the art was stolen of google or nu

and obviously I'll keep the community secure and feature some of yall's art since yall need it !!



Next up

Old ass art Vic forced me

headshot for my friend that bought me lethal company !!

No art cause i have no laptop :sob: as I'm in the south of poland rnn. <3

Springbonnie be existing with the new cupcake model now, woooOOO (update: the development has been going very good so far! We're still taking our absolute time though. :P)

My scp phase is coming back (cause i started playing 10h daily scp secret labolatory)

I just redesigned my first ever oc!

Sooo meet Lada!

work in progress animation !!! That I will upload on my Youtube once finished :D first time animating on 18 fps

work in progress a profile pic for my discord XDD

'yes sir?'

I drew the goodest boy Goldie :3 I started really enjoying drawing characters with spots and other bits and bobs on their fur


A meme based of the 2nd slide I made HAH @Victoree came up with it :3