1 month ago

Hello Everyone! And welcome to the Eclipsed Competition #1
Read Carefully the rules of the event if you want participate!



General Criteria

Style Consistency

You’re more than welcome to think outside the box and stylize the portrait however you like; However, make sure it still looks like a “view of the background” rather than a “poster”—it should feel as if you’re there, viewing the place itself.

Eclipse Integration

Of course, the Eclipse needs to be involved in an element of the portrait. It doesn’t have to strictly be the sky; It can be a mural on the ground, a newspaper flying away, etc.


The portrait should be intended for a moving picture using the parallax effect—think of Funkin at Freddy’s Night 2’s Menu for example. Make sure to utilize and preserve the portrait’s layers. (Layer/s for foreground, layer/s for mid-ground, layer/s for background.)

Desaturated Base Colors

At this point of the story, Eclipsed is bleak—especially in colors. Make sure the base colors are desaturated, and save brighter and more violent colors for (ominous) highlights—such as the Eclipse.

No Characters (Directly On The Stage)

The background is the core subject of the portraits. You, however, are more than welcome to include the characters themselves (and subtle cameos of other characters + your own characters) in elements such as small reflections, posters, etc.

April Criteria


There should be two versions of the portrait: One with the general city view, and the other version in a “blackout” (Everything being dark, with the Eclipse being the only thing MAINLY bright/visible.)

No Way Home

A broken subway (and train) must be present.

Punishment Bird

The portrait must be in bird’s eye view.

Beginning of the End

How does the damage of a world-ending event that JUST STARTED look like?

. https://tinyurl.com/fnfECLIPSED / https://tinyurl.com/eMpsubmit .


Background for Reference: Background made by sergamer



Next up

Since makes 2 months since my last update, let me show some progress (sorry for making you wait so much, I am beeing very busy, I hope you understand!)

I am working hard on this project lately, I want make it look very cool as it is in my mind I will try to develop the Demo as soon as possible to publish at least something while I still working on the full game meanwhile here is Rubi (player) concept

New 17BUCKS GF!!!

Here’s CHUDnell and Tanya

note that I’ve never drawn CHUDnell before so sorry if it looks bad

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Successful landing


Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Another house i made long time ago.

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?