Parasite's Island

4 years ago

Hello Everyone! For the past few days I have been working on the schedule system. Not sure if this would be it or I would change it because my current implementation is buggy and laggy but here are what I've made so far


I have implemented a simple clock to determine the current time in the game. The Schedule in the game runs based of the hour in the clock. In the current implementation an in-game hour is 5 seconds in real time. This is this way because I wanted to see first if the inhabitants would follow their schedule. Obviously this would be changed in the future.

Family Roles

I have discussed about the family roles in previous updates but right now I decided to color them differently to better distinguish which inhabitant have a particular role because the roles play a major role in the schedule that they are doing


Each role have a different schedule assigned to them. A particular activity would be done according to the schedule for a particular hour. Each activity is assigned an area where the inhabitants would operate.

Path finding Algorithm

The game is currently freezing at certain times mostly when all inhabitants are moving. I suspect that this has something to do with the path finding algorithm that I implemented. Because it apparently stores up to 40 nodes when the inhabitant would path find to a far area. The way I tackle this is to store fewer nodes instead



Next up

Hello Everyone! Yesterday when I implemented the new infection mechanics I forgot a little detail about the infection. Today I fixed it.

These are the changes that I've done for today:

Hello Everyone! Here are the things that I worked on today:

Hello Everyone! Today I continue working on implementing the A* Path Finding Project into the game.

Hello Everyone! My implementation of the path finding is not optimized and causes some lag. I decided that it is best if I use the A* Path Finding Project. Learning this might be the focus of this week's development

Hello Everyone! I just uploaded a new devlog update on my Youtube Channel!

Hello Everyone! Today I started implementing a new system of infecting inhabitants.

Hello Everyone! Today I re-implemented some things that are included in the game before I changed the grid system and the path finding implementations

Here are the changes that I made today:

Hello Everyone! I re-implemented the animations and the tile maps of the game.

Hello Everyone! in the last update I implemented a schedule system. Unfortunately my implementation causes an error. I removed it instead but I have a different implementation of the inhabitant movement in mind so look out for that in the next updates

Hello Everyone! Yesterday, I finally implemented the new means of infection through a small panel of buttons. It took me the whole day to implement because of unforeseen errors but I finally finished it