so far I have been hearing a lot of criticism of exploration Master mode all challenges being too difficult. but as a matter of fact Master mode is not meant to be an easier difficulty, Master mode is supposed to be extremely harder than hard mode but yes it can be stressful. but you don't have to do Master mode because it's extremely hard to beat, unless if you really want to do Master mode and struggling to try to get the reward I would recommend training yourself in a few challenges just to get used to the game play difficulty like for example I would disable deaf mode or candle mode or both just to get used of Ashley and the toilet cool down, and then someday for sure one of you can be successfully become a expert player. also I test out exploration on all challenges on master again and I've already beaten it for the second time so there's no reason for me to change anything.
I've also had some criticism about Bruno Locktrap being unbalanced on all difficulties but don't worry I tested him out and I did realize he was unbalanced on the lowest difficulty I decided to change his AI to make him easier on the lowest difficulty
also some reports about the awards and I found that we made a mistake with the coding with the Halloween awards because you can easily get the awards if you play Master mode challenges one at a time but in the version 0.1.4 you can no longer do that and you have no choice but to enable all challenges to get the 2 rewards.
but in the v0.1.4 I did Nerf and buff a few things in the game and I will share the list that are changed and fixed in the game.
Bug fix candle tip appearing after you fall asleep in bedtime mode
bug fix frozed Ashley's jumpscare in Exploration mode
bug fix coding issues with the Halloween Awards
Nerf Ashley's spawn point on all difficulties
buff Ashley's move path in living room on all difficulties
Nerf Bruno lock trap's speed on easy, normal and hard
Bruno locktrap's randomized movement is removed only on easy mode
Nerf Bruno locktraps' randomized movement on normal and hard mode
Buff Bruno locktrap's randomized movement on master mode
added more information with hungry boy challenge
new information difficulty with Bruno locktrap
also I realized the file size was doubled and I thought, and we're going to try to figure that out what's causing to have this much data and if we do we'll make an update for that for the next patch or in the future. anyways good luck on version 0.1.4!
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