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Five nights at Wario's Awaken Anti-Cheat
Game by @Piratestringer GameJolt/Download link can be found here: Anti-Cheat happens if you hold right click on th...

hello everyone it's Piratestringer here and I have an important message to everybody who watches my streams and videos!

hello everyone it's Piratestringer here and I would like to share my Forth teaser trailer for reaching 200 followers on my game page!

hello everyone I know it's a little late to say this but I have reached 200 followers on my five nights of Wario's fan-game! Master Mode on Demo V0.2.0 Completed

Five nights at Wario's Awaken Master Mode Complete on Demo 1 V0.2.0
Game by @Piratestringer GameJolt/Download link can be found here:

Welcome to the Five nights at Wario's Awaken community on Game Jolt!


1. No spamming

2. Try to stay on topic in the specific channel

3. No NSFW

4. No harassment.

5. Swearing is allowed except racial slurs

7. only send any spoilers on Easter egg and spoilers channel.

8. no self advertisement without permission except on General.

9. no influencing anything that's child grooming and pedophilia

have fun!

Report A community for 9 months