Honestly... YOU SUCK AT LIFE

7 months ago

Hello everyone! Posting some of the enemy concept designs so you can get a feel of the style and all. These (probably) aren't going to be the in-game sprites, so expect changes.



Next up

Which one am I? (and which one are you?)

Fun fact!

Exscindel (project exscindel's mascot) has a face underneath that censor bar

Help Wanted! (Read Article)

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

boredom during school leads to making an entire game based on library of ruina

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

Made some more art of her

btw she's named Lianqiao and the flowers on her are Forsythias

This one's definitely not as good as her debut image but eh


I definitely could've made it better because I think it's a bit too bright and all and the yellow hanfu looks a little weird.

TRAILER YAY!!!!!!!!! ( i tried my best ok )