One Week at Flumpty's Fan-Made

1 year ago

Hello Gamejolt people!
I'd like you to notify that the game is still kicking
And not only that, but we also got a new team member: Grassdie
He is most famous for his ONaF animations, but if you haven't heard of him, check this out:



Next up

I usually post small development updates on the game's Discord server, but since not everyone is there, I'll post this here

wow, guess i'm old

Finally. Just check the game’s page. (night 2 demo is out) Tell me, if you find any bugs.

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but here's this

Company Notice

Artists! I need you! I can’t make everything myself. If you are a good artist and you can help me, please wrire a comment or send me a friend request. If no one help me, I’ll fall in depression and cancel the game. :(

Progress report