uploading the game and said it was fine! so by the time your reading this the game will be out for you to play! Just extract the folder and your golden, alright I'm off fr this time and I'll see you latter :)
Next up
Out of curiosity I went to give the J4 demo a try and I've got to say.. the game is complex with it's gameplay. I feel like there's a shit ton of things that were added for the sake of it and if I remember right this was meant to be ONE part of the game.
MML snobs after seeing this: "Noo! how do I speedrun the game as soon as I download it now!!" Actually for real, every CN game should make the player do the challenges for the game because no one does them when there're present in the game at all lmao.
I don't see a lot of people talk about the redesigns for the cast of PPW and I think they look pretty good for what they are. But I'm still shocked/annoyed that they're still keeping the name "Gay Gecko" for one the main four antagonist for the game.
Oh wow! 187 Followers! that's a lot of people. I have to say thank you all so much for the follows, although it's not my goal to reach a shit ton of these it's still nice to get from time to time. I hope you all have lovely days ahead and see you latter.
Rat Race Production Update
Woke up and chose violence today and so I updated my least favorite fan games tier list. Please keep in mind that some of these games are getting updates/overhall so this list might not age well. Hope you all have a nice day :).
Replayed > Dormitabis all the way to night 10, got to say that this is still my go to fan game to this day. It has most of what I love about fnaf, sound design, textures and more and still is fun to play. Btw this image scares me and still does ;-; More:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite main line FNAF GAME! although simple with it's gameplay it's a good game with fantastic visuals and minigames. This game has the best replayability in the series and has one of the best endings ever, the music still gets me.