Hello, i am very excited to talk about all the stuff i added to the game, this update is focused on the visuals and effects of the game, mainly the particles and sound effects, but some other tweaks too, but before anything new, lets start with the bugs, since maybe they affected your last gameplay of the game :p (who am i kidding, no one played the game so far)
Healing Circle Issue:
The healing circle now dies with its enemy healer (instead of waiting for all enemy healers to die, so you wont have to worry with the healing circle staying after you kill the healer)
Sword Auto Attack:
So there was a bug where if you pressed the auto attack button with the sword, the attack wouldnt follow the direction you were poiting, thats fixed
Menus with delay:
Fixed an issue where the two menus (tittle and pause menu) wouldnt share the changes made between each other
The Hand:
When you used the dagger, there would be a bug where it would always be the full sprite version, then i realized i just forgot to draw the outline only version
Particles Bug:
This bug was never on the "game" but i found it during the development of this update and it game me such a headache that i had to write it down, anyway i fixed it in one day, it was one line that was making the particles crash the game
Those were all the bugs i fixed, now lets go to one of the things i am most proud of this update
I made all the sound effects by myself! using an aplication called Fami Tracker, it was very fun
Menu Sound Effects
(When you move or select stuff)
Jump Sound Effect
Attacking Sound Effect
(Both you and enemy)
Death Sound Effect
(Both you and enemy)
Bullet Hit Sound Effect
(When it hits the walls or enemies)
Level Up "Music"
(I made it by accident but i ended up liking it)
Perk Select Sound Effect
Sound Menu:
Now you can change the volume of the sound effects up to 150% or 0%, tho you can only change all the sounds together, next update will change depending on the group (music, sound effects, etc)
I could go and just grab stuff already made on the internet, but i wanted the game to have more of my heart on it, so i did my best to make the sound effects alone, never did those before, but now...going agaisnt what i just said, lets go to something i am not that proud of....
All the musics were made by using AI (Suno AI) because there is no way i am doing music right now, i have no idea how to start, but as soon as i can, i will change all the musics!!!
Menu Music
Game Music
Death Screen Music
(This one was actually a bug but i liked it so much i kept it on the game hehe)
Now into the second big challenge of this update, the particles and other visual changes
The particles were one of the last things i did, so i will write in the order i made stuff
Transition Between Scenes:
Whenever you change games during the game (going from tittle to game and vice versa) there is a small transition animation
Transition On Death Too:
When you die the screen also makes the transition, instead of changing scenes tho, the screen gets black
Tittle Moving:
I made a wave script and put it on the text and other stuff of the game, making it more "alive", the tittle and the update text now move and wiggle a bit
Options Moving:
If you are with a option selected on the menu, it will move!
Player Wiggling Effect:
The player also has the wave thing, making it wiggle around a bit, when you walk it gets slightly more intense
Weapons, Bullets and Enemies Wiggle too
(each one with different intensities)
Screen Shake:
I added a script that shakes your screen when you shoot!
Damage Indicator:
This was one thing i was so excited to add, now when you hit a enemy, a number appears showing the damage you dealt, the size, color and lifespan depends if its a normal hit or a critical one (goodbye old critical damage indicator)
Particle System Added!!:
All the particles were made by code, because all the tutorials i found were using that way instead of the Gamemaker new particle system creator
Xp Trail
(The xp is now a particle)
When Bullet Hits Walls And Enemies
The Mage's Bullets Are Just Particles Now
Small Particles When The Player Shoots
(They are from the gun)
Small Particle when Player Gets Hit
(It bleeds)
Small Particles When Enemies Die
(They explode with the colors they have)
New Cards:
The perks now are inside cards (I am still working on the design and stuff like that, see it as a template at the moment)
Also added some new stuff for the archer, because he had barely anything for the second character made
New Weapon For The Archer: Fire Bow
(same thing as the normal bow, slower bullet, cool fire effect)
New Weapon For The Archer: Firework Bow
(same thing as the normal bow, cool firework effect)
And for the end of the show, some minor changes i made for the game
Code Of The Weapons
(Made the shooting part more simple, for future changes and etc)
Enemy Shooting Patern:
Each enemy will choose between a random amount of time to shoot each time, to make the gameplay less predictable, and the first shoot of the enemy is more quick than the other shoots
Death Screan Position
(Changed it a bit to make it more centered)
Restart Button:
On death screen you can press a button to restart the level and a button to go back to the main menu
Enemy Multiply:
Changed the xp stuff of it's children, so it wil fit better with the new level up system
Inteligence Debuff:
Now the perks gives you 1 inteligence, instead of 2, trying to see if it will be less op that way
Reload Time:
Now the reload time decreases your shooting time by 7.5%
Perk Description
(Made them more understandable and clear)
Enemy Strong
(He shoots quicker now)
Enemy Health Bar
(Now its smaller and more centered, a bit)
Player Sprite:
changed the way the player is drawn on the scene, so when the object player wiggles, it doesnt change the colision mask of the player
Reload Time Max:
Now you have a limit of how much you can decrease the reload time, if you get to the limit, you cant find more "Reload Time" perks on the run
Screen Shake:
You can toggle it with the menu
Xp movement:
Instead of walking to grab the xp, the xp follows the player as soon as it is created
Xp Color:
now it is white, to match with the xp bar on the top of the screen
Restart Option:
You can now press N on the infinite mode to die, in case you get stuck due to bugs or just wants to give up more quick, you can do that via the pause menu too if you want
Tittle Screen:
Made it more centered :)
Particles Toggle:
You can enable and disable the particles, you can also only enable the bullets effects and disable the other ones